Single Company

Running Replenishment within a single Business Central company is the default approach and no specific setup is needed, because all data resides in the same company.

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Company list:

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Topology drawing

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(Click to open)

LS Central setup considerations


LS Central and Replenishment need to be set up in the single company only.


In this scenario all store locations have to be set up to retrieve the demand information from the local company when Replenishment is calculated.
This is done by selecting the value Local Company in the field Data Source on the Location Card page.

(Click to enlarge)

For more information see Location.

Replenishment Calculation

In this scenario, the entire Replenishment calculation takes place in one company. No special considerations are needed for the Replenishment Item Quantity and Replenishment Journal calculations.

The Replenishment calculation takes place in two steps:

  1. The Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) is calculated.
  2. The Replenishment Journals for Purchase Orders and Transfer Orders are calculated.

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Company Structure

